The purpose of many computer systems is to retrieve data from a data store and display it for the user. After the user changes the data, the system stores the updates in the data. One problem is that the user interface tends to change much more frequently than the data storage system. Another problem with coupling the data and user interface pieces is that business applications tend to incorporate business logic that goes far beyond data transmission.
ASP.NET Routing
A browser request gets mapped to a controller action through a feature of the ASP.NET framework called ASP.NET Routing. ASP.NET Routing is used by the ASP.NET MVC framework to route incoming requests to controller actions.
ASP.NET Routing uses a route table to handle incoming requests. This route table is created when your web application first starts. The route table is setup in the Global.asax file.
When an ASP.NET application first starts, the Application_Start() method is called. this method calls the RegisterRoutes() method and the RegisterRoutes() method creates the default route table.
The default route table consists of one route. This default route breaks all incoming requests into three segments (a URL segment is anything between forward slashes). The first segment is mapped to a controller name, the second segment is mapped to an action name, and the final segment is mapped to a parameter passed to the action named Id.
For example, consider the following URL:
This URL is parsed into three parameters like this:
Controller = Product
Action = Details
Id = 3
The Default route defined in the Global.asax file includes default values for all three parameters. The default Controller is Home, the default Action is Index, and the default Id is an empty string.
The URL is parsed like this:
Controller = Home
Action = Index
Id = ��
The request is routed to the Index() action on the HomeController class.
A controller is responsible for controlling the way that a user interacts with an MVC application. A controller contains the flow control logic for an ASP.NET MVC application. A controller determines what response to send back to a user when a user makes a browser request.
A controller is just a class (for example, a Visual Basic or C# class).
HomeController has two methods named Index() and About(). These two methods correspond to the two actions exposed by the controller.
The URL /Home/Index invokes the HomeController.Index() method and the URL /Home/About invokes the HomeController.About() method.
Any public method in a controller is exposed as a controller action. You need to be careful about this. This means that any public method contained in a controller can be invoked by anyone with access to the Internet by entering the right URL into a browser.
The two controller actions exposed by the HomeController class, Index() and About(), both return a view. A view contains the HTML markup and content that is sent to the browser. A view is the equivalent of a page when working with an ASP.NET MVC application.
You must create your views in the right location. The HomeController.Index() action returns a view located at the following path:
The HomeController.About() action returns a view located at the following path:
In general, if you want to return a view for a controller action, then you need to create a subfolder in the Views folder with the same name as your controller. Within the subfolder, you must create an .aspx file with the same name as the controller action.
A view is very similar to a page in Active Server Pages or ASP.NET Web Forms. A view can contain HTML content and scripts. You can write the scripts in your favorite .NET programming language (for example, C# or Visual Basic .NET). You use scripts to display dynamic content such as database data.
An MVC model contains all of your application logic that is not contained in a view or a controller. The model should contain all of your application business logic, validation logic, and database access logic. For example, if you are using the Microsoft Entity Framework to access your database, then you would create your Entity Framework classes (your .edmx file) in the Models folder.
A view should contain only logic related to generating the user interface. A controller should only contain the bare minimum of logic required to return the right view or redirect the user to another action (flow control). Everything else should be contained in the model.
In general, you should strive for fat models and skinny controllers. Your controller methods should contain only a few lines of code. If a controller action gets too fat, then you should consider moving the logic out to a new class in the Models folder.